Sunday, July 27, 2008

CheerLeader~~ SpOrT Day...

More Cute Comments hi5

Actually... yesterday my CIN intake participate in cheerleadng... We just perform.. As u know.. last year my groups C4 champion in cheerleading.. so.. this year.. we get the chance to perform.. unfortunately..we used new steps and new songs.. we also got a new members join cheerleader.. 2 my closest fren FyZah n quiet happy with them...Let me introduce our members of C4... Shahrul.marul.ismail.ebee.saied,Syikin,ceca,Vv,fyzah,cathy n chOmel.. 12 ov them altogether... A shocking moments...!! Our performance turn out to be a nightmare... as 2 of our members felt down and slip when doing a pyramid and a gimmick.. poor Ceca n ismail.. both ov them got bruise on their leg... So..we have to do it again... to complete our performance.. thankz god.. they understand and give us a chance.. to do it again.. this time.. we DID it...!! im proud of them.. na sia2 blatih..paluh2 bau masam.... hehe.. eventhough.. ada yg slah stepss.. sokay tuu.. WE ROCKS..!!! Yg pnting have fun baa... knz..knz..

I enjoy with my gilaQ2 frens tym sport days tuuu.. pantang mlyat camera.. mesti poshing... CLick..Click..Click..